Come and see us

Visitors are always welcome, and we are more than happy to show individuals/families/children the whole process from our breeding stock through to our hatchery, to the point of lay birds out in the fields. Just give us a call or text and we'll put the kettle on...

Manor Farm, Winterhay Lane, Ilminster, TA19 9PJ

Chickens and Ducks

Our main breeds of chickens for sale which we always have in stock are:

Buff Sussex, French Copper Marans, Light Sussex, Speckled Sussex, Rhode Island Red Hybrids, Welsummer, Orpingtons, Warrens

We also have a breeding group of Aylesbury Ducks and always have ducklings for sale.

Call or text Darren on 07703 187257

or email


Hatching Eggs

Day Old Chicks


Point of Lay

Breeding Cockerels

Copyright 2013 Manor Farm, Ilminster, Somerset (Poultry for Sale). All Rights Reserved. bpdesign web design.